Sir Nicholas

Skills of Sir Nicholas

Boreal Blade
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. This debuff cannot be resisted.
Damage based on: [HP]
Level 2 Damage +5%
Level 3 Damage +5%
Level 4 Damage +5%
Level 5 Damage +10%

Places an [Unkillable] buff and a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level 2 Cooldown -1
Level 3 Cooldown -1

Increases Ally HP in all battles by 33%
Ancient legends from all across Teleria speak of a mighty warrior, whose life spans years beyond counting. He took first steps upon this land when the world was yet young, he stood alone against odds insurmountable, and felled twisted creatures would devour the sun itself. It was him who ventured beyond the barren tundra and into the ancient frozen wastes of Telerian North to break an army of Ice Giants that threatened to overwhelm the infant human kingdoms. Having slain the Giant King in single combat, he took the castle cut out of a glacier for himself and made it into a fortress dedicated Lumaya. Such is the tale of Sir Nicholas, known under different names to the people of Teleria, but ever-present in their folklore. It is said that to this day he sits upon a throne among the towers of jagged ice and gazes upon the world through a scrying crystal gifted by the Arbiter herself. By his judgement do the righteous receive great boons, and the wicked – their just punishment. Though perhaps Sir Nicholas is not as omnipotent a force as some of the old tales paint him, it cannot be denied that many powerful villains disappeared without a trace on a Winter Solstice night…
Ratings of Sir Nicholas
Location | Rating |
Campaign | |
Arena | Offensive:
Defensive: |
Clan boss | Without T6 mastery:
With T6 mastery: |
Ice Golem’s Peak | |
Dragon’s Lair | |
Spider’s Den | |
Fire Knight’s Castle | |
Minotaur’s Labyrinth | |
Force Keep | |
Magic Keep | |
Spirit Keep | |
Void Keep |
Masteries advices
Advices regarding the mastery choice for Sir Nicholas.T6: Warmaster or Giant Slayer?
Clan Boss
We recommend using Warmaster, the skill Boreal Blade hits 1 time, which will benefit more to Warmaster than Giant Slayer.Arena
We recommend using Warmaster in the Arena, despite the number of hits any skill from Sir Nicholas does.Recommended builds for Sir Nicholas
For Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars by ayumilove
For Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars by ayumilove
For Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove
Masteries for Sir Nicholas
For Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars by ayumilove
For Clan Boss, Dungeons by ayumilove