Battle Pass - Season 1 (2020-02-12 - 2020-04-07)
Season dates
The season 1 occurs from the 12th of February 2020 to the 7th of April 2020.
How it works
You will receive, every day, 4 daily missions. Each mission rewards 5 points, and you need 10 points to advance to the next level.
There are 100 levels to complete in order to claim all the rewards.
By subscribing to the Gold Battle Pass (for around $25), on top of being able to claim more rewards, you will access 5 weekly missions, each rewarding 12 points. Once you complete the 5 weekly missions, you will get an extra reward.
Free rewards
- 300 gems
- 20 Energy Refills
- 250k Silver
- 30 random brews
- 10 CB keys
- 4 Ancient Shards
- 1 Void Shard
- 1 Legendary skill tome
- 1 Epic skill tome
- 1 Rare champion: Gravechill Killer
- 1 Epic champion: Ursine Ironhide
- 1x 5 chicken
- 2x 4 chickens
- 1x 3 chicken
- 2x 4 Glyphs (critical rate and haste)
- 10 superior potions (2 of each)
- 25 greater poitions (5 of each)
- 1x 5 Epic offense set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 5 Epic life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 5 Epic speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary offense set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 2 new avatars
- 5 days of double exp
Paid rewards
- 1000 gems
- 40 Energy Refills
- 1 million Silver
- 50 random brews
- 5 Ancient Shards
- 2 Void shards
- 2 Legendary skill tomes
- 2 Epic skill tomes
- 1 Rare champion: Frozen Banshee
- 2 Epic champions: Stag Knight and Ursine Icecrusher
- 1 Legendary champion: Wurlim Frostking
- 3x 4 chickens
- 2x 5 chickens
- 3x 6 glyphs (strike/vitality/haste)
- 3x 5 glyphs (strike/vitality/haste)
- 3x 4 glyphs (strike/vitality/haste)
- 1x5 Epic divine offense set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 5 Epic divine life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 5 Epic divine speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic divine offense set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic divine life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Epic divine speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary divine offense set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary divine life set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 1x 6 Legendary divine speed set (6 artifacts, one of each type)
- 4 new avatars
- 9 days of double exp
- up to +50% exp bonus (incremental by +10%)
- up to +50% silver bonus (incremental by +10%)
- Access to Weekly challenges for extra points so you can miss some daily challenges or get to lvl 100 faster
Champions obtainable through the Battle Pass
Daily quests
- Claim all playtime rewards
- Use 1 Clan Boss key
- Win 3 Arena Battles using at least 1 Force Champion
- Win 3 Arena Battles using at least 1 Spirit Champion
- Win 3 Arena Battles using at least 1 Magic Champion
- Sell 5 artifacts
- Upgrade Boots to level 8
- Upgrade Gauntlets to level 8
- Upgrade Helmet to level 8
- Upgrade Shield to level 8
- Win 3 Epic or Legendary Artifacts from clearing the Dungeons
- Upgrade the levels of Magic Champions in Campaign battles 10 times
- Upgrade the levels of Spirit Champions in Campaign battles 10 times
- Upgrade the levels of Force Champions in Campaign battles 10 times
- Defeat an enemy in a single hit in the Arena 3 times
- Upgrade a Champion’s level in the sparring pit 2 times
Weekly quests
Week 1
Quests- Place 150 debuffs on enemies during the arena (only counting won battles)
- Heal 100 times in campaign battles (includes lifesteal, leech, continuous heal, etc)
- Place 100 debuffs on Dungeon bosses while beating them (only counting won battles)
- Upgrade champions' levels in the sparring pit 25 times
- Sell 75 artifacts
- 3 Ancient Shards
Week 2
Quests- Place 150 buffs on all allies in the Arena (only counting won battles)
- Upgrade Artifacts 100 times
- Win boots 75 times from Campaign Battles
- Win 50 dungeon battles using 5 champions of the same affinity
- Upgrade champion's levels in the Tavern 60 times
- 6x 5 Divine Critical Rate artifacts
Week 3
Quests- Win 40 Arena Battles without losing a Champion
- Ascend 1 Champion from each Faction
- Defeat 100 Dungeon Boss minions (including spiderlings)
- Win 50 Campaign Battles using 4 Champions of the same Faction
- Get 15 artifacts from the Market
- 6x 5 Crit Damage artifacts
Week 4
Quests- Win 10 champion rewards from Campaign Battles
- Heal 1000 times in Dungeon Battles (includes Lifesteal, Leech, Continuous Heal, etc.)
- Upgrade a Champion's Rank by sacrificing duplicate Champions
- Place Stun, Sleep, or Freeze debuffs in the Arena 60 times (Only counted from Battles won)
- Unlock or Upgrade 50 substats on Artifacts
- 1 Epic Tome
Week 5
Quests- Get the first turn in the Arena 50 times (Only counted from Battles won)
- Defeat 360 enemies in Campaign Battles using 3+ Uncommon Champions
- Get 260 mastery scroll for one Champion
- Ascend Champions from each Affinity 3 times
- Sell 50 Accessories (Does not work with Auto-Sell from Multi-Battles)
- 6x 5 Attack artifacts
Week 6
Quests- Fill or Decrease Turn Meters 100 times in the Arena
- Places Stun, Sleep, or Freeze debuffs in Campaign Battles 100 times (Only counted from Battles won)
- Win Artifacts from all basic Sets (Life, Offense, Speed, Critical Rate, Resistance and Accuracy) from Battles
- Upgrade Champions' Levels only with XP Brews 100 times
- Place Heal Reduction debuffs on the Fire Knight 100 times (Only counted from Battles won)
- 6x 5 Immortal artifacts
Week 7
Quests- Place 100 debuffs in Campaign Battles (Only counted from Battles won)
- Ugrade 10 Champions to a higher Rank
- Defeat 100 enemies in a single in the Arena
- Unlock of Upgrade 50 substats on Accessories
- Place Decrease DEF debuffs on Dungeon Bosses 100 times while beating them (Only counted from Battles won)
- 6x 5 Cruel artifacts
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