Pushing through Ultra-Nightmare Clan Boss
With the nerf to the Unkillable teams and the changes to clan hopping, many of you who are reliant on Unkillable teams will more than likely have to shift to using the standard UNM composition. In order to help facilitate this transition we’ve put together some “Best Practices” to aid you in getting your UNM teams re-geared and recalibrated in the wake of the changes.
General composition guidelines
- Defense champions 4k to 4.5k defense
- Non-defense champions 3.5k to 4k defense
- Accuracy 230 for debuffers
- Speed: will depend on your team composition, see below
Slow Counter
- Counterattack champion - 191
- Debuff cleanser - 179-180
- Everyone else - 175-178.
- Critical chance: 75-100%
- Crit Damage: 130-200%
Speed Tune Counter
- Counterattack champion - 194
- Debuff cleanser - 197-199
- Everyone else: 193-196
High Speed Tune
- Debuff cleanser - fastest
- Speed buffer/Turn Meter buffer 2nd fastest
- Everyone else after
Note: Recommended starting speed 250. This is best used when you lack a counterattack champion.
Crit Counter Speed Tune
- Counterattack champion 171
- Debuff cleanser 179
- Everyone else 173-178
- Critical Hit 100%, Crit Damage 200%
Masteries: ATK (Warmaster/Giantslayer) and DEF masteries are the premium choice here but based upon champion composition (i.e. debuff extenders) you may stay with SUP for some Debuffers.
Gearing Options: Lifesteal or if you have a group healer Stalwart.
Champion Composition
Counterattack champions
You want to use a counterattack champion such as Skullcrusher, Valkyrie, or Martyr if possible.
Decrease ATK champions
You will also need to ensure you have a Decrease ATK champion that has it as part of their A1 unless you have a debuff extender such as Vizier, Warlord, Septimus, Bulwark, etc..
You may also try tying in Ally protection in order to prolong fights.
Defense champions
Defense champions are your best champions for CB - they allow you to crank up their best damage dealing stat (def) and combined with defensive aura, def down, defense up, and weakness - they give you the best bang for the buck. Especially if they have a 3 hit A1 (Rhazin or Warchief for example).
Poisoner champions
Poisoners are also vital for success on UNM, if you lack a premiere poisoner such as Venus, Nethril, Dracomorph, etc.. you may want to have 2 poisoners on the team if possible unless you have a debuff extender.
Recommendations: Steelskull and Bad-El-Kazar best fill this role.
Debuff cleansers
Debuff cleansers: You will want to make sure you have a viable option here: Bad-El-Kazar, Doompriest, Steelskull, Mausoleum Mage, etc… This becomes more important when you have affinity CB such as spirit.
Note: Please recognize that doing 17.5-20 million per key is good damage. That allows you to 4 key UNM. Hitting 25 million per key is ideal as that allows you to 3 key on most days. That should be the goal for everyone. Hitting the upper echelon of 30 million or higher is difficult without specific, premiere champions - don’t get discouraged if you aren’t hitting 30+ million a key. Until you are doing 35 million, you are still 3 keying - and those 2 key teams are stacked with the best gear and champions.
This information has been collected through the efforts of the Gallifrey cluster.

Clan Boss, beginner to endgame (by Hellhades)
Hellhades is a content creator from Youtube. His new series about Clan Boss will help you build the best team with your champions!
How to grind the Clan Boss as a Clan
Creating a Clan and managing its quality of content can be handy. The main Clan activity being the Clan boss, find out how to get your Clan to grind it!